What is Resting in the Spirit?

Resting in the Spirit is the power of the Holy Spirit filling a person with God’s divine love. The Holy Spirit is free to do many spiritual actions in the person’s mind, will, imagination, memory, and emotions when one completely rests and relaxes in His love. When a person is being filled with the Spirit, he/she often but not always finds himself overcome by divine love. Because we are human, this influx of divine love may cause a person to feel like he/she is fainting. However, it is not fainting. The person remains fully conscious of his/her surroundings as he rests. This experience should not be feared for it is God the Holy Spirit at work in a special way.

It gives God the opportunity to move more powerfully and directly within a person’s body, mind and spirit while one rests. In His wisdom, God has chosen this particular means to touch this person and to bring about healing and wholeness.

Last Updated on April 7, 2022.