Magnificat Leaders' Conference Find out more!
We welcome you to Magnificat, A Ministry to Catholic Women!
This site is devoted to those seeking to start a new Magnificat Chapter.
Begin Here
After prayerful consideration and you feel called to begin the process of forming a Magnificat Chapter in your area, please continue with the contact form provided.
Magnificat Media
As we expand the Lord’s ministry of Magnificat into new corners of the world, we are blessed to have technology at our fingertips and can reach more people!
“My being proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit finds joy in God my Savior, for He has looked upon His servant in her lowliness… God, Who is mighty, has done great things for me, Holy is His name” (Luke 1:46-49).
With great joy, we echo Our Lady's exuberant hymn of praise as we marvel at the wonders God is doing in the Magnificat ministry. We believe that it is an exciting and authentic movement of the Holy Spirit in our day, and we rejoice to see that you have been inspired to inquire about bringing this ministry to your area.
Magnificat came out of a group of women who had been forged by God into a loving community through their shared prayer. Prayer continues to be the foundation and backbone of the ministry: “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it” (Psalm 127:1). It is essential that women who lead Magnificat have been renewed in faith, are dedicated to daily personal prayer and the sacramental life of the Church, and have the experience of sharing faith and prayer with each other. Only when such a group is securely in place and knit together in love can the women begin to discern whether the Lord is leading them to bring Magnificat to their area. The goal of Magnificat is to encourage and assist Catholic women to grow in holiness. The vehicle through which this goal is accomplished is the Magnificat Meal.
Brief history of Magnificat Ministry.