WV, Morgantown

We welcome you to the webpage of Our Lady of Grace Chapter of Magnificat in Morgantown, West Virginia. These are exciting times that we live in, and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such a time as this! Our Chapter is one of nearly 100 Chapters throughout the United States, its territories, and many foreign countries.

Magnificat Meal

Hosted by Our Lady of Grace Morgantown, WV Chapter

Saturday, March 8th, 2025

9:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

St. John University Parish Hall
1481 University Avenue
Morgantown, WV 26505

Our Guest Speaker:  LeslieCervantez

Leslie Cervantez grew up in the Houston area, the daughter of immigrant parents who faced many hardships. In
a home marked by abuse, fear, shame, and rejection, Leslie learned to silence her voice. Raised in a family
without faith, Leslie began to hear God’s voice and embraced the Catholic faith through Baptism at 18,
beginning a transformative spiritual journey. In 2007, she physically lost her voice due to a paralyzed vocal cord
and remained in silence for one year. During this time, a powerful encounter with Jesus in the hospital began a
journey of inner healing that lifted her from a life of pain, resentment, and trauma. Freed by God’s grace, Leslie
found the courage to reclaim her voice in a way she had never known.
Today, in her career as a professional photographer, Leslie uses her journey to help women rediscover their
own voices. Helping them to celebrate their strength in every image. She combines her talents with a heart for
encouraging others. Inspiring women to open their hearts to see the beauty God has placed within each of
them, and to speak their own truth with courage and joy. Her life is a testament that, even in brokenness, there
is grace, and that through faith God can mold our silence into strength.

Personal Prayer ministry will be available after this Meal.

Tickets & Reservations

Tickets for this prayer breakfast may be purchased using the mail-in registration form or via online link.


Online: click on the link below to be directed to our online registration site.  Once there, click on the “Home” tab and choose the “Magnificat Breakfast Registration” box on the right side.


Mail-In: Complete the form below (include the names and phone numbers of other ticket holders in your group).
Reservations CANNOT be accepted after March 1st. Registration fee is $25 per person/$13 per student (cash/check only).

Please Mail Reservation Form with check payable to “Morgantown Magnificat” at:
Morgantown Magnificat
12 Whites Run Court
Morgantown, WV  26508

For registration questions contact:
Claire Mey at CLRPL09@gmail.com or Mary Paul at 304-319-2747

Upcoming Events for Our Chapter

March 8th, 2025 – Leslie Cervantez
June 7th, 2025 – Tracy Riffon
October 11th, 2025 – TBD

Rosary Blanket of Prayer

Remember our chapter’s commitment to Eucharistic Adoration and to pray the Rosary on the 30th of each month for the intentions of Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, Marriage and Family, and World Peace.

Our Prayer Groups

Is God calling you to be in a Prayer Group? Jesus said “Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst.” Our prayer groups are open to all.

LoL (Light of Life Prayer Group) Meets every Tuesday from 7pm until 8:30 pm at St. John’s Potter’s Cellar and at the same time via the Uber conference call service for those who cannot attend in person.  For the phone call-in, please dial 213-992-5682 then use access code 93368.

For further information about this prayer group or LoL Radio contact:

Web Link – www.LoLradio.org
Email – info@LoLradio.org
Phone – 304-598-0026

Service Team Members

Mary Paul, Coordinator – hearingservices1@comcast.net
Beth Barill, Asst. Coordinator – bethb322@aol.com
Claire Mey, Secretary – clrpl09@gmail.com
Carla Comer, Treasurer  – cmcomer13@gmail.com
Sherry Chicco, Historian – youngdepot@chicoent.com
Rev. Fr. Brian J. Crenwelge, Spiritual Advisor — bcrenwelge@dwc.org

If you would like to help with a Ministry of Magnificat, or if you have a question or comment for our Service Team, please contact one of our service team members listed above.

History of Our Lady of Grace Magnificat Chapter – A Ministry to Catholic Women

After several years of discernment, prayer and formation along with the help of many brothers and sisters in Christ, Morgantown Magnificat held their first Magnificat Breakfast at Lakeview Resort on June 2, 2012.  The service team chose the popular name of Our Lady of Grace for our Chapter since we have seen so many graces poured out upon us from Our Lady.

We began with a chapter meeting once each month and we were going to reduce those meetings to four per year just prior to the breakfasts for the purpose of preparation and intercessory prayer.  However, we found a need for the monthly gatherings and continue to meet at the Youth Room at St. Mary Church, Star City, the 2nd Wednesday of each month (except for July and Holy Days of Obligation) from 7 to 9 pm.  (For a short time, this in person meeting was replaced during the pandemic for an online Zoom meeting.  If necessary, at a future time we will resume via Zoom) Everyone is encouraged to join us. We spend time praising the Lord, praying the Rosary, sharing the Word of God, teachings and personal prayer.  It is a beautiful time of nourishing fellowship.

We hold Magnificat breakfasts four times a year.  The program includes a shared meal, praise and worship led by music volunteers, a speaker who shares God’s work in her life, intercessory prayer and a mini teaching by our Spiritual Advisor. At each meal, a woman gives her testimony of how the Lord God has touched her life in an extraordinary way with His grace. The women in attendance come to understand that what God has done for that speaker, He can also do for them. This is a source of freedom and empowerment!  This witness of God’s action and mercy in the speaker’s life focuses on hope in the midst of adversity and brings to life the scripture quote: “They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” Rev 12:11

Magnificat has been a means of spiritual growth for each of us in the leadership of our chapter.  We have seen fruits of the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of all our membership through our gatherings.  It is a truly a very rewarding grace to serve in this ministry.

We all find this ministry, begun in New Orleans in October of 1981, to be an anointed movement of the Holy Spirit. It has since spread internationally to nearly 100 chapters encompassing the United States, the Caribbean Islands, Canada, Malta, Poland, Ireland, Dominican Republic, and Uganda.

The late Bishop David E. Foley of the Birmingham diocese wrote the following prayer we would like to pray with you: “O Mary, Mother of Christ and Mother of our Catholic Church, may all women of the world take you as their model of what it means to be a woman. May you, who are Woman of Faith, lead us by the power of the Spirit to a new evangelization of the world. Amen.”

Come and see at our next gathering!


Last Updated on February 24, 2025.