We welcome you to the web page of Our Lady of Mercy and Hope Chapter in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. These are exciting times that we live in, and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such a time as this. There are now over 100 Chapters throughout the United States and its territories and in many foreign countries.
Magnificat Meal
Hosted by Our Lady of Mercy and Hope Chapter
Ladies Afternoon Tea
Sunday, February 23, 2025
2:00 to 4:30 pm
St. Lambert Parish
1000 S Bahnson Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57103
Our Guest Speaker: Julie Dickes
Deacon Tim and Julie have been married 15 years. Julie is the mother of two sons, and Tim the father of a daughter and son. Together they have 4 grandsons. Deacon Tim was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate in 2018. At that time, Bishop Swain assigned Deacon Tim to prison ministry. Because of the need for a Catholic presence at the Minnehaha County Jail in Sioux Falls SD, a spiritual director encouraged Deacon and Julie to minister as a couple. Together they have been ministering to men and ladies in the jail and the SD State prisons for nine years.
As a deacon couple, they are assigned to Our Lady of Victory pastorate at St. Michael parish in Sioux Falls and at St. George parish in Hartford, SD.
Prayer teams are available following the meal.
Religious books and CD’s may be available at the meal.
Tickets & Reservations
Registration begins at 1:30 pm, with the event starting at 2 pm. Cost of the meal is $16. To make reservations, please call Erin at 605-789-4977, email to MagnificatSiouxFalls@gmail.com, or use the mail-in information below.
Tickets for priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters are complimentary.
Please use this form for Mail-In Reservations. For those attending in groups, up to 6 guests can be registered with one form.
Click on, print and complete the form below (include the names and phone numbers of other ticket holders in your group). Please RSVP by February 8, 2025.
Please send Reservation Form and check payable to “Magnificat” to:
Magnificat Sioux Falls, c/o Erin Szabo, 808 S Lowell Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57103
Or Pay with Venmo:

Magnificat-Sioux Falls, SD Chapter, Inc.
Upcoming Events for Our Chapter – 2024/2025
Events at St Lambert’s Catholic Church, 1000 S Bahnson Ave, Sioux Falls
1/11 9.15 am Intercessory Prayer Meeting
2/8 9.15 am Intercessory Prayer Meeting
2/23 2 to 4.30 pm, Magnificat Meal, Afternoon Tea, Speaker Julie Dickes
3/8 9.15 am Intercessory Prayer Meeting
4/12 9.15 am Intercessory Prayer Meeting
5/10 9.15 am Intercessory Prayer Meeting
Rosary Blanket of Prayer
Remember our chapter’s commitment to Eucharistic Adoration and to pray the Rosary on the 26th of each month for the intentions of Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, Marriage and Family, and World Peace.
Our Prayer Groups
Intercessory Prayer Group meets at 9:15 am every 2nd Saturday at St. Lambert’s Parish, Sioux Falls. Upcoming 2025 dates are January 11, February 8, March 8, April 12, and May 10. Please join us! For more details, email us at MagnificatSiouxFalls@gmail.com.
Service Team Members
Julie Cady, Coordinator
Erin Szabo, Assistant Coordinator
Mary Zimmer, Recording Secretary
Kaye Vaske, Treasurer
(Vacant Position), Historian
Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Paul King, Pastor at St Lambert Parish and Pastorate 22
If you would like to help with a Ministry of Magnificat, or if you have a question or comment for our Service Team, or if you would like to be on our Mailing list for future events, please contact us at MagnificatSiouxFalls@gmail.com or call us at 605-789-4977.
History of Our Lady of Mercy and Hope Chapter of Magnificat
Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Est. 2023
Several years ago, Julia Cady, our current Coordinator, heard about the Magnificat Ministry and decided that she wanted to establish a chapter for the Sioux Falls Diocese. She talked to a few friends and they began to pray about it. The formation process began and over 8 years later, through lots of perseverance and prayer, our chapter was officially established in August 2023. We are grateful to the many ladies along the way who were faithful in praying for the chapter’s formation. We had our first official prayer meal on November 4, 2023. May Our Lord be brought to many hearts and souls as we continue in this ministry.
Last Updated on January 10, 2025.