NY, Rochester

We welcome you to the webpage of the Spouse of the Holy Spirit Chapter of Magnificat in Rochester, New York. These are exciting times that we live in and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such as time as this. There are now over 100 chapters throughout the United States and its territories and in many foreign countries. Our Chapter also have a website at MagnificatRochester.org.

Magnificat Meal

Hosted by Spouse of the Holy Spirit Chapter

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Women Invited

8:30 a.m. – Seating begins
9:30 a.m. – Breakfast & Program
12:00 p.m. – Prayer Teams

Register now!

NEW Location!!
St. Pius Tenth Parish Center
3010 Chili Avenue
Rochester, NY 14624

About Our Speaker: Carolyn Cannizzaro

Carolyn Cannizzaro is a proud wife, mother, and grandmother. She lives with her husband, Andy, on a farm in Pennsylvania. Besides her BA in teaching and MA in Education Administration, Carolyn received her Pastoral Ministry Certification from Seton Hill University in PA. She is the Chairwoman for the 2024 Diocese of Greensburg “Spirited” Women’s Conference and the Director of Prolife Advocacy for that Diocese. In her home parish Carolyn also serves as a Catechist, Worship Leader, Cantor, and Eucharistic Minister to the sick. She is a member of the Living Praise Worship Team for Magnificat Events, Retreats, and Life in the Spirit Seminars (livingpraiseworship.com). Carolyn is a founding member of “Hem of His Garment” healing ministry in Greensburg, PA.

Carolyn has experienced many trials in life including marital strife, the loss of both parents and the tragic loss of her first husband and eldest daughter. Through these many difficulties she surrendered and found her trust and joy in the Lord. He is continually directing Carolyn’s life. What next, Lord?

Prayer teams are available following the meal.
Lisa’s talk will be recorded and CD’s or MP3 will be available to purchase
Since the day is designed to speak to the hearts of women, free of distractions, it is respectfully requested that young children not be in attendance.


For more Information call Diane at 585-943-4759 or e-mail:

Pre-Registration required. No tickets sold at the door.
Deadline: No Registrations accepted after 8/31/2024

To purchase your ticket:
Costs: Pre-Registration required … $25.00. New Price
Student … $20.00

Gift Basket Raffle

Online reservations:

Use PayPal  ($27.00) on our website:www.MagnificatRochester.org

Register by Mail:

Please use the form below for your mail-in ticket reservations:

Mail In Registration –  Carolyn Cannizzaro

Please Mail Reservation Form and check payable to “Magnificat” to:
Magnificat Rochester
PO Box 24787
Rochester, NY 14624

Your cancelled check will serve as your receipt.

Your Ticket:
Your ticket will be your Name Tag at the registration table the morning of the breakfast.
Sorry, no reserved tables.

Clergy and religious tickets are complimentary but a registration is still needed.
Donations are also accepted to assist others in attending our meal.

For more information call : Diane Hayes – 585-943-4759
Or e-mail us at: RochesterMagnificat@gmail.com

Please feel free to print out this flyer and share it with others and invite them to our meal:

Click to print a flyer – Carolyn  Cannizzaro- Flyer

Upcoming Events for Our Chapter –


December 7, 2024 – Fr. Ted Auble

New Location: 
St. Pius Tenth Parish Center
3010 Chili Ave., Rochester, NY 14624

2025 –


SEPT. 13,

DEC. 13

Our Prayer Groups

Catholic Charismatic Renewal website:  www.ccr-rochester.org

Rosary Blanket of Prayer

Please join Magnificat on our Day of Prayer, the 21st of each month, as we lift up our hearts to the Lord for the intentions of New Pentecost, Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, our Beloved Priests and Religious and Families.

Service Team Members

Louise Carson – Coordinator
Ann Iten -Assistant Coordinator
Karen Chin – Treasurer
Cece Crawford Asst. Treasurer
Janet Pontarelli – Secretary
Jeanne Walker – Historian
Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Ed Palumbos

If you would like to help with a Ministry of Magnificat, or if you have a question or comment for Our Service Team, or if you would like to be on our Mailing list for future events, please contact:  RocheterMagnificat@gmail.com

History of Spouse of the Holy Spirit Chapter

(Diocese of Rochester, NY)

Nineteen years ago, God planted a seed in the heart and mind of a spirit-filled woman named Gert Amesbury from St. Pius X parish in the Rochester, NY Diocese. She learned of Magnificat, a ministry to Catholic women, from a program shown on the Catholic TV Network EWTN. With great enthusiasm, she began the work to establish Magnificat in Rochester. After facing many obstacles, Gert concluded that perhaps the time was not yet right for Rochester. Many years later, another spirit-filled woman, Pat Smith, rediscovered Magnificat while vacationing in Florida and was inspired to bring it back home to Rochester.

In October 1997, a small group of women, including Gert and Pat, came together to form a service team to study the Magnificat movement and to establish the necessary criteria for diocesan approval and incorporation with the National Team. After much study, prayer, and discernment by the women of the Service Team, Bishop Matthew Clark approved Magnificat-Rochester on June 5, 1998. The team met weekly in prayer, song, personal sharing, and the rosary and soon the Holy Spirit’s gifts became evident as each woman discovered what responsibility the Lord wanted her to take up.

In 1999, a letter was sent out to 40 women inviting them to join in this mission. Although only one woman responded, the team moved forward to plan a retreat focused on how the Holy Spirit works in the Church and in our lives. Thirty women attended and they became the base upon which the team began to build. Some of the team attended a retreat at Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio, and they brought back inspiration from the Holy Spirit in the form a scripture passage (Luke 5:4-11): “put out into the deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Armed with this scripture passage, two members of the Service Team went to Mario’s Restaurant to book a date for the first Magnificat-Rochester breakfast. With no money, they stepped out in faith, trusted the Holy Spirit, booked the space, and began planning. That first breakfast had 240 guests and the room was full to overflowing. Their nets were full!


Last Updated on May 29, 2024.
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