We welcome you to the webpage of the Gentle Woman of Praise Chapter of Magnificat in Albany, New York. These are exciting times that we live in and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such as time as this. There are now over 100 chapters throughout the United States and its territories and in many foreign countries.
Magnificat Meal
Hosted by the Gentle Woman of Praise Chapter
Saturday, March 15, 2025
8:30 am – Check-in and Seating begins
9:00 am – Breakfast and Program
12:00 pm – Confession and Prayer Teams
Register now!
Wolferts Roost Country Club
120 Van Rensselaer Blvd.
Albany, NY 12204
Guest Speaker: Deacon Anthony Cortese
Mr. Cortese was ordained a Deacon for the Albany Diocese in 2017 and assigned to work at Christ the King Parish where he continues his Diaconate ministry to this day. He is also the co-director of initial deacon formation for the Diocese, working with men and their spouses who are considering a vocation as a deacon. Mr. Cortese volunteers at Community Caregivers working with seniors who are trying to live independently.
He is a licensed, certified social worker with over 40 years’ experience serving children and families. His career has included working as a teacher, child care worker, social worker, program director, executive director and Chief Executive Officer of St. Anne’s Institute. He was a Peer Reviewer for the Council on Accreditation. He is a life member and former Chief of the McKownville Volunteer Fire Department. Deacon Cortese and his wife, Jackie, have been married for 39 years. They were foster and adoptive parents and they are the proud parents of 2 adult children.
Ticket & Reservations
For more Information call Kathleen at 518-930-8380 (AFTER 6 PM) or e-mail: albanymagnificat@gmail.com
Pre-Registration required. No tickets sold at the door.
Deadline: No Registrations accepted after March 5, 2025
Mail-In Reservations – $30.00 (your check will serve as your receipt)
Please complete the Registration Form and include the names and phone numbers of other ticket holders in your group.
Clergy and Religious: Complimentary – you need to register
Mail the Registration Form and a check for $30.00 per person to “Albany NY Magnificat” to:
Denise Fraioli
551 Sacandaga Road
Glenville, NY 12302
*Registrations must be received by March 5, 2025
ONLINE TICKETS – $32.00 (includes convenience fee)
Enter your Name and Phone Number. Click on the PayPal button below. Then select to pay by PayPal or Debit Card or Credit Card.
Please feel free to print out this flyer and share it with others and invite them to our meal.
Print Deacon Cortese Meal Flyer – 3/15/25 to share with friends
*PLEASE NOTE: This breakfast has limited seating available and tickets will sell fast!
**Donations are also accepted to assist others in attending our meal.
We invite all ladies to hear a beautiful story of God’s love in one woman’s life.
We do not assign seats so arrive early to check in at the Reservation Table and find seat(s) before the program begins.
Prayer teams and opportunities to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation are normally available following the meal.
* Since the day is designed to speak to the hearts of women, free of distraction, it is respectfully requested that young children not be in attendance. Also please be aware that subject matter may not be suitable for children.
Upcoming Events for Our Chapter — 2025
June 14, 2025 – TBA – Wolferts Roost Country Club, 120 Van Rensselaer Blvd., Albany, NY 12204 – 9 am – 12 pm
November 15, 2025 – TBA – The Vista Restaurant at the Van Patten Club Club, 924 Main Street, Clifton Park, NY 12065 – 9 am – 12 pm
Rosary Blanket of Prayer
Remember our chapter’s commitment to Eucharistic Adoration and to pray the Rosary on the 11th of each month for the intentions of Magnificat, Church, Clergy, Religious, Sanctity of Life, Marriage and Family, and World Peace.
Our Prayer Groups
Albany Catholic Charismatic Renewal website: https://albanyccr.org/
Evenings: 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM
April – October – we meet at the Clubhouse at the Residence at Lexington Hills, Cohoes. Our host is Laureen Sharp. RSVP and directions, contact Laureen at laureliz51@gmail.com
November – March – on Zoom (link below).
Click the following Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85061604786?pwd=RGVWN2tMSjI5RmkrTXozbTU3OXM3QT09
Afternoons: 3rd Thursday of the month at 1:30 PM – we meet at the home of Mary Curry in Clifton Park off of Exit 8 of the Northway. RSVP and directions, contact Mary at 518-243-6402
Service Team Members
Diane Bigos – Coordinator
Nancy Hooley – Assistant Coordinator
Carol Heckman – Secretary
Kelly Stiffen – Treasurer
Denise Fraioli – Historian
Rev. Kyle Gorenski Spiritual Advisor
If you would like to help with a Ministry of Magnificat, or if you have a question or comment for Our Service Team, or if you would like to be on our Mailing list for future events, please contact Diane Bigos @ albanymagnificat@gmail.com
History of the Gentle Woman of Praise Chapter of Magnificat
The Gentle Women of Praise Chapter of Magnificat had its origins in the Diocese of Albany, New York, as several women were becoming aware of Magnificat in 1999-2000. The Holy Spirit gently moved them to learn more about this international ministry to Catholic Women. A feasibility assessment and discernment process began in 2001 by the Albany NY Diocesan Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
During 2002-2003, the CCR liaison appointed a contact person to continue the discernment and formation process for the the Magnificat Chapter in Albany, NY, as required by the CST in Metairie, LA. The Rochester Chapter was assigned by CST to assist in the discernment process. A few women from the Albany Diocese attended a meal sponsored by the Rochester Magnificat Chapter. The women were very joyful in pursuing this ministry further. The Contact Person stepped down from the process and the liaison of the CCR took over as Contact Person. Bishop Hubbard was informed of the desire of the women in the Albany NY Diocese to form a Magnificat Chapter.
During 2004-2005, a Service Team was formed, the office and popular names were finalized. A spiritual advisor was appointed by the Bishop. The legal formation of the chapter to be a licensed, incorporated, non-profit, tax exempt organization was completed. The chapter became licensed under the Magnificat organization. The chapter hosted one invitational tea.
In 2006, the chapter hosted 2 mornings of intercessory rosary and adoration and our 1st breakfast – 200 women attended.
In 2007, the chapter hosted 2 mornings of intercessory rosary an adoration and 2 Magnificat meals. The chapter replaced 2 service team members. Due to several unfortunate circumstances, with the loss of 2 more service team members and the Spiritual Advisor, the Albany NY Chapter of Magnificat became inactive at the end of the year.
In 2008, the Albany NY Chapter of Magificat formed a new ST composed of three members and Advisory Team of 11 women who answered the call to serve as Chairwomen. The Albany NY Chapter regained an active status. The Bishop appointed a new Spiritual Advisor. A financial audit committee was elected. The Chapter started our first Rosary Intercessory prayer group in Oct.
In February 2009, we had our first meal. Since that time, the Albany NY Chapter continues to grow. We now have 2 Rosary Intercessory prayer groups that meet on the 1st Wednesday evening and the 3rd Thursday afternoon of the month. Since 2009, we have hosted 3 to 4 meals a year. We have had the opportunity to help our Bishop, Edward Scharfenberger, by hosting Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, author of 33 Days to Morning Glory. as he shared with us the importance of consecrating ourselves to Jesus through Mary. Bishop Scharfenberger wanted the people of Albany Diocese to make the Consecration to the Blessed Mother on the Feast Day of our Diocese, December 8. In 2018, author and speaker Susan Conroy was our guest speaker sharing her experiences and friendship with St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta and 23 women participated in the Magnificat Scripture Study – The Women in the Bible.
Last Updated on March 11, 2025.