LA, Bayou River/Thibodaux

We welcome you to the webpage of the Bayou River Chapter of Magnificat in Thibodaux, Louisiana. These are exciting times that we live in and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such a time as this. There are now over 105 Chapters throughout the United States and its territories and in many foreign countries.

Magnificat Prayer Breakfast

Hosted by the Bayou River Thibodaux Chapter

Friday, May 2

9 am – 12:00 pm

Doors Open at 8:15 am for open seating
8:30 – 9:00 am – Coffee and Social
Confession and Personal Prayer Teams Available Following the Breakfast

Thibodaux Regional Wellness Center
5th floor ballroom
602 North Acadia Road
Thibodaux, LA

Our Guest Speaker: MARY RIVIERE

     Mary Riviere, a Houma native, attended LSU where she studied marketing prior to pursing her law degree from Tulane University Law School. She went on to clerk for a federal judge in New Orleans before marrying her husband Robert Riviere and returning to the bayou region to settle in Thibodaux. She then began her career aside her family of lawyers practicing at the law firm of Waitz & Downer where she remains today. While balancing the demands of raising her two sons and her career, Mary also dedicated her time to pursing philanthropic efforts. She served for many years on the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux Bishop’s Advisory Council, in addition to working on the Civil Service Board of Thibodaux. She previously served on the board of the Crossroads Pregnancy Resource Center. Her current endeavors include serving as treasurer for Holy Trinity Academy’s Board of Trustees and as coordinator for the Two Hearts Adoration Chapel. Mary also takes an active role in the A.C.T.S. Missions, having served on four leadership teams, as well as holding the position of director last year.

Religious books will be available for purchase at the meal.
Since the day is designed to speak to the hearts of women, free of distractions, it is respectfully requested that young children not be in attendance.

Tickets & Reservations

Deadline for ticket sales is a week prior to the breakfast, unless sold out before.

Online Registration:

For Registration by Mail:
Please complete the form below:
Mary Riviere Flyer

Please mail completed Mail-In Registration Form and check for $25 per person, payable to “Magnificat” to:
Bayou River Magnificat
423 Percy Brown Road
Thibodaux, LA 70301

No tickets are sold at the door.

Reservations for priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters are complimentary, but reservations are required and this may be done by registering online.

Upcoming Events for Our Chapter – 2025

August Breakfast – Denny Charbonnet

Rosary Blanket of Prayer

Remember our chapter’s commitment to Eucharistic Adoration and to pray the Rosary on the 15th of each month for the intentions of Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, Marriage and Family, and World Peace.

Our Prayer Groups


Service Team Members

Coordinator: Stephanie Toups
Assistant Coordinator: Allie Wells
Secretary: Shauntelle Tatford
Treasurer: Brandi Boudreaux
Historian: Kate Dawson
Spiritual Advisor: Bishop Sam Jacobs

To get involved with Magnificat in one of the service areas above, have a question or comment for our Service Team, or if you would like to be on our mailing list for future events, please contact please contact us at

Please follow and like us on Facebook .

History of the Thibodaux Chapter

(Houma, LA Diocese)


Last Updated on February 27, 2025.