We welcome you to the webpage of the East St. Tammany Chapter of Magnificat in Slidell, Louisiana. These are exciting times that we live in and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such as time as this. There are now over 100 chapters throughout the United States and its territories and in many foreign countries.
Magnificat Prayer Breakfast
Hosted by the East St. Tammany Slidell Chapter
Saturday, April 13, 2024
9 am- 12pm
Doors open at 8:30 am for open seating
Pinewood Country Club
405 Country Club Blvd.
Slidell, LA 70458

For more information, please check our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/magnificatslidell
Prayer teams are available following the meal.
Religious items may be available at the meal.
Since the day is designed to speak to the hearts of women, free of distractions, it is respectfully requested that young children not be in attendance.
Tickets & Reservations
Tickets will go on sale soon.
Reservations for priests, transitional deacons, religious brothers and sisters are complimentary, but reservations are required and this may be done by contacting East St. Tammany Slidell Chapter at eaststtammanymagnificat@gmail.com
Upcoming Events for Our Chapter
August 17, 2024 – Speaker: Denny Charbonnet
October 26, 2024 – Speaker: Kerry Bueche
Rosary Blanket of Prayer
Remember our Chapter’s commitment to pray the Rosary on the 3rd of each month, joining our sisters in Magnificat for the intentions of a New Pentecost, the Church, Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, Marriage and Family, and World Peace.
Our Prayer Groups
Is God calling you to be in a Prayer Group? Jesus said “Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst.” Our prayer groups are open to all.
Intercessory – October 24 at 7PM. Email eaststtammanymagnificat@gmail.com for more information.
Service Team Members
Coordinator: Debbie Callens
Assistant Coordinator: TBD
Secretary: Jackie Madison
Treasurer: Charlotte Champagne
Historian: TBA
Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Kevin DeLerno
To get involved with Magnificat in one of the service areas above, have a question or comment for our Service Team, or if you would like to be on our mailing list for future events, please contact Debbie Callens at eaststtammanymagnificat@gmail.com
Please follow and like us on Facebook at Facebook.com/MagnificatSlidell.
History of the Slidell Chapter
Last Updated on August 28, 2024.