We welcome you to the webpage of Mary’s Garden Chapter of Magnificat in Lexington, Kentucky. These are exciting times that we live in and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such a time as this. There are now over 100 chapters throughout the United States and its territories and in many foreign countries.
Magnificat Prayer Breakfast
Hosted by the Mary’s Garden Lexington Chapter
April 26, 2025
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Mass at 8:00 am
Cathedral of Christ the King
Our Guest Speaker: Mary Duke
Tickets & Reservations
Please contact Pat Hunt by email at: magnificatrsvp@gmail.com by April 15th to reserve a spot. An email confirmation will be sent to you. Payment of $15.00 can be made at the time of the breakfast for those with reservations.
Questions? Contact Ellen Grisanti ellen.grisanti@gmail.com
or Pat Hunt pwhunt27@aol.com.
Upcoming Events for Our Chapter: 2025-2026
4/26/2025- Mary Duke
9/6/2025- Karen Rood
12/6/2025- TBA
4/25/2026- TBA
Rosary Blanket of Prayer
Remember our chapter’s commitment to Eucharistic Adoration and to pray the Rosary on the 27th of each month for the intentions of Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, Our Beloved Priests, Marriage & Family, and World Peace.
Service Team Members
Laura Westbrook – Coordinator – lauralkw@twc.com – 859-229-1801
Laura Eklund – Assistant Coordinator –painterlauraeklund@hotmail.com
Pat Hunt – Treasurer – pwhunt27@aol.com
Donna Goodman – Historian – donnadgoodman@hotmail.com
Ellen Grisanti – Secretary – ellen.grisanti@gmail.com 859- 227-8978
Fr. Michael Flanagan – Spiritual Advisor – mflanagan@cdlex.org – 859-552-5834
For more information about Magnificat contact any Service Team member above.
To be added to our Mailing List, send an email to Ellen Grisanti at ellen.grisanti@gmail.com
History of Mary’s Garden Chapter, Lexington, KY
Chapter Established in 1994
Mary’s Garden Lexington Chapter Magnificat was started and named by Lyn Northam. The desire for such a Ministry consumed her until its fruition. The pioneer Service Team members were: Lyn Northam, Judy Paternostro, Anne Sension, Linda Harris, Lou Mattone, and Pat Rupinen.
After formation, the very first Magnificat Breakfast was held on March 26, 1994 at the former Convent at Christ the King in Lexington. The first Magnificat Speaker was Nancy Shuman, and about thirty women were in attendance.
Decades later, the chapter is growing strong. As at the year 2023 to date Service Team members are: Laura Westbrook –Coordinator; Laura Eklund –Asst. Coordinator; Ellen Grisanti -Secretary; Pat Hunt – Treasurer, Donna Goodman-Historian. The Chapter’s Spiritual Adviser is Fr Michael Flanagan. The Chapter celebrated its twentieth anniversary in 2014 and recently celebrated 25 years anniversary on February 23 2019.
Last Updated on March 5, 2025.