FL, Tampa

Welcome from Tampa, FL

We welcome you to the webpage of Tampa, FL Chapter. Magnificat, an international ministry to Catholic women, began in 1981 and has formed over 100 Chapters.

Our Tampa Chapter is planning spirit-filled events for the future. If you would like to meet like-minded women and have a joyful experience, then consider these areas of service. 

Praise and Worship

Public Relations
Social Media
Visitation Table Sales

To get involved with Magnificat in one of the service areas above, have a question or comment for our Service Team, or if you would like to be on our mailing list for future events, please contact the Magnificat office at magnificatcst@aol.com.

Check back here periodically for upcoming events and join our mailing list so you can be notified in a timely manner. Please contact us at magnificatcst@aol.com for more information.

Click here to access the Chapter Meal Calendar and a link that helps explain the Magnificat Meal experience.

Please pray with us as the Ministry continues to bring women to Jesus and the Catholic Church through Mary and the Holy Spirit. Magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together. Ps. 34:4

Rosary Blanket of Prayer

The Magnificat Ministry sponsors a Rosary Blanket of Prayer in response to our Holy Father — Our Chapter is assigned the 12th of the month.s call to prayer. Each Chapter is assigned one day of the month for concentrated prayer, fasting, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary, etc. Of course, we are called to pray daily, but this day should be especially designated. It can be done individually and collectively, as possible. Magnificat women and others who care to join us are invited to take part in this concerted effort. The general intentions are for a New Pentecost, the Church, Magnificat, the sanctity of life, marriage & family, and world peace.

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. Luke 1:46-47

Service Team Members

Elaine Lee, Coordinator
Mary Holfelder, Asst. Coordinator
Kat Cooper, Secretary/Communications
Winifer MacKinnon, Treasurer
__, Historian
Fr. Connor Penn, Spiritual Advisor