FL, St. Petersburg

We welcome you to the web page of the Mary Immaculate Magnificat Chapter of Magnificat in St. Petersburg, Florida. These are exciting times that we live in. Magnificat began in 1981 for such a time as this. There are now over 100 chapters throughout the United States and its territories, and in many foreign countries.


SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2025  at




9:30 AM to 12:15 PM (optional Mass at 8:15 AM)





A cradle Catholic, Susan was raised in the Chicago area before moving to Florida. She married, had a daughter and has been a faithful member of the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle since 2000. She attended Loyola University, where she was a Resident Assistant alongside Sister Jean, the famous “Basketball Nun” and chaplain for the men’s basketball team. Sister, now 105, had an impact on Susan’s life and guided her toward community-based work. For many years Susan taught at college in the field of human services.

At 51 years young Susan’s husband died unexpectedly, leaving her with a 15 year old daughter to raise. After a job loss, she and her daughter felt completely overwhelmed. She realized that she needed to be more engaged in her faith and focused on the Bible verse from Jeremiah, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Clinging to those words, she created a dream board for both she and her daughter, and began an incredible spiritual journey! She helped students through a work-based learning program; and is a consultant for the Department of Labor, and works in renewable energy.

In 2017, in a book by one of her favorite authors, she read that when you’re in a dark moment, you need to pray for other people. She was inspired to create a Prayer Warrior Ministry composed of thirty members of her church, people from all walks of life.

Susan and her daughter have come a long way and have learned how to thrive in all circumstances. You don’t want to miss this amazing talk about overcoming adversity and living with intention.



This speaker’s testimony is being recorded.  The recordings may be duplicated and sold by the Pinellas/St. Petersburg Chapter of Magnificat at Magnificat Chapter’s meals and official Chapter events, all as part of Magnificat’s nonprofit ministry and related activities.

For recordings of this speaker or of our previous speakers’ testimonies (either on CD or a SoundCloud link which will be emailed to you), please contact kleffer1@tampabay.rr.com.



Tickets & Reservations

$18.00 EACH – 

Reservations can currently be made by mail only.

Please send your check, in the amount of $18.00 per person, payable to MAGNIFICAT to:
Linda Barron, Treasurer
6069 Second Avenue North
St. Petersburg, FL  33710

Reservations and checks must be received by MARCH 3, 2025.  Your ticket will be at the door.  Please have your envelope mailed early to ensure enough time for the Post Office to process.

Please print the following to include with your check:


If you have any questions, please feel free to text to:
Linda (727) 415-2693 or Jane (727) 452-7404
or email:  magnificatofstpetersburg@gmail.com  or check our website:  https://magnificat-ministry.net/chapters/fl-st-petersburg/

Upcoming Meals for Our Chapter –


MAY 17, 2025 – Speaker:  To Be Announced 

To be held at the Parish Center of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, 1507 Trotter Road, Largo, FL  33770


Rosary Blanket of Prayer

Remember our chapter’s commitment to Eucharistic Adoration and to pray the Rosary on the 13th of each month for the intentions of Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, Marriage and Family, and World Peace.

Our Prayer Groups

Is God calling you to be in a Prayer Group? Jesus said “Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst.” Our prayer groups are open to all.

Light of Christ Charismatic Prayer Group
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church – Largo
Parish Center
First Wednesdays at 7 PM

Fire in the Spirit Prayer Group
Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle – St. Petersburg
Thursdays at 7:30 PM

Third Thursdays – XLT (adoration, praise and worship, St. Jerome’s Catholic Church, Largo, Florida
6:30-7:30 PM

“Abundance” Holy Hour for Vocations, Cathedral of St Jude the Apostle -6:30-7:30 PM (usually 4th Wednesday of the month; check with Diocese of St. Petersburg web page, http://dosp.rg. to confirm date)

“Rekindle” First Friday – Our Lady’s House of Prayer, Clearwater, Florida
Includes Mass, adoration, praise & worship and fellowship. 6:30-8:30 PM

Service Team Members

Kathy Bolich, Coordinator
Jane Swan, Assistant Coordinator
Linda Barron, Treasurer
Christine Bray, Secretary
Kathy Rankin, Historian
Mary Lefferson, ST Member

Spiritual Advisor – Fr. Ralph D’Elia

If you would like to help with the ministry of Magnificat, or if you have a question or comment for our Service Team, or if you would like to be on our mailing list for future events, please contact us at  magnificatofstpetersburg@gmail.com.

History of Magnificat of St. Petersburg

The origin of our Magnificat Ministry came from New Orleans. Since it was born of the Holy Spirit, the Magnificat Ministry grew and spread and found it’s way to Tampa, Florida.

Helen Piazza heard about the Tampa breakfast and planned to attend. She invited Arlene Diaco, who was grieving the recent death of her mother, to attend with her. The speaker at that meeting was none other than Marilyn Quirk, one of the founders of the New Orleans Magnificat. Arlene and Helen had a wonderful morning and in thanksgiving, stayed at their table at the close of the breakfast and prayed their rosary. They were so filled with the Holy Spirit that they asked Marilyn that day how they could receive information about bringing the Magnificat to Pinellas County. Marilyn told them about a process that they would need to follow to bring the ministry to Pinellas, and it was a long process.  But another woman at the breakfast had already started the process and then had discerned that she could not complete the task, so she gave the Magnificat Handbook to them. They went home and called their friends Mary Mallette and Helen Ezzo and asked them to assist with the planning and implementation of a Magnificat. The four friends started calling other friends for assistance with the various committees needed to put on a Magnificat Breakfast. Word of the new ministry for women spread among the local community and Elsie Miller and Fran Wolfe decided to attend. Elsie and Fran arrived at the next planning meeting, thinking that it was the event. They offered their talents and the original service team for the St. Petersburg Magnificat was born.

The formation of the St. Petersburg Chapter was not as long as the Central Service team of New Orleans had planned. The Holy Spirit led our original service team and encouraged them and sent them the support and resources that they needed. The original service team of St. Petersburg was a group of faith-filled women whose belief in the promises of Christ overflowed into joy and action. They did not think about whether they had the talent, the connections, or the money to bring a new ministry to our area. They stepped out in faith and imitated the visitation as they brought Jesus to the catholic women in Pinellas County.


Last Updated on January 15, 2025.