We welcome you to the webpage of Christ Our Light Chapter of Magnificat in West Palm Beach, Florida. These are exciting times that we live in and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such a time as this. There are now over 100 chapters throughout the United States and its territories and in many foreign countries.
Magnificat Meal
Hosted by Christ Our Light Chapter
Saturday, April 26, 2025
10am to 1pm
St. Peter Catholic Church
1701 Indian Creek Pkwy
Jupiter, FL 33458
About our Speaker: Laura Arena
Laura, a cradle Catholic, was born and raised in Colorado to immigrant parents. She moved to Florida where she met her husband Michael. They were blessed with three adult children. Laura and her family worship at St. Therese De Lisieux Catholic Church in Wellington, Florida. Laura has been preparing children for their First Holy Communion through the Faith Formation program at St. Therese for the past 7 years. She also currently serves as Historian for the Palm Beach Magnificat.
Laura is part of the Cursillo movement and participated in Women’s Cursillo #59 in 2016 at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center in Palm Beach Gardens. Laura’s relationship with God grew even closer during her Cursillo weekend where she experienced God’s mercy and realized how much God loves each and every one of us. During that weekend she learned about a method to help her develop lifelong faith based habits to continue growing in her faith.
Laura relies on her Catholic faith to get her through some of the most difficult times in her life and realizes now that events that occur, though painful and difficult, are resolved in God’s time and in God’s will when we lay them at the foot of the cross and continue to pray. It is through prayer and trust in God that all things are possible.
Join us for food, fellowship, praise & worship, and Laura’s inspirational and encouraging testimony
Tickets & Reservations
Limited Seating so request your reservation early!
Breakfast will be included!
To secure your reservation please register by April 16, 2025
Seats per person $35.00. Please register by Zelle payment to magnificatpalmbeach@gmail.com. Contact Mary Anne Gioia at 561-876-6223 with any questions. If you register multiple individuals, please text names to 561-876-6223 or email names to magnificatpalmbeach@gmail.com.
Email: magnificatpalmbeach@gmail.com
Upcoming Meals & Events for our Chapter-2025
- September 13, 2025 – Perla Vigo
- December 6, 2025 – TBA
Rosary Blanket of Prayer
Remember our chapter’s commitment to Eucharistic Adoration and to pray the Rosary on the 2nd of each month for the intentions of Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, Marriage and Family, and World Peace.
Our Prayer Groups
Is God calling you to be in a Prayer Group? Jesus said, “Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst.” Our prayer groups are open to all.
Magnificat Prayer Meetings
We are currently holding prayer meetings twice a month via Zoom. If you are not on our email list and would like to receive information about those meetings please send an email to MagnificatPalmBeach@gmail.com.
Stay informed of upcoming events by requesting the latest electronic newsletter. Simply send an email with the subject line “Newsletter” to MagnificatPalmBeach@gmail.com and you will be added to our mailing list.
Service Team Members
Mary Anne Gioia, Coordinator 561-876-6223
Amy DelValle, Asst. Coordinator 561-236-9345
Perla Vigo, Treasurer 813-468-3588
Laura Arena, Historian 561-762-7485
Maria Boylan, Secretary 513-310-6076
Fr. Mario Casteneda, Spiritual Advisor/Advisory Team
If you would like to help with a Ministry of Magnificat, or if you have a question or comment for Our Service Team, or if you would like to be on our Mailing list for future events, please contact Mary Anne Gioia, Coordinator at MagnificatPalmBeach@gmail.com
History of Christ Our Light Chapter of Magnificat
Magnificat Palm Beach Chapter, Inc., the Christ Our Light chapter, was formed on July 17, 2003, by its original coordinator, Dr. Carol Razza. The original team also featured Kate Battafarano, assistant coordinator, Marcia Kurtz, secretary and Britta Neinast as treasurer. The first Magnificat meal was held at the Airport Hilton in West Palm Beach, Florida, with over 400 in attendance.
The first faith witness was Babsie Bleasdell who spoke of the power of the Holy Spirit working in her life. After Dr. Razza stepped down, Donna Holmstrom became the coordinator. After Donna’s appointment as Regional Representative to the Finance team, the current coordinator began serving. There have been four meals every year since its inception.
One of the many talents this variety of women, who have given their fiat to Magnificat, has is writing. The team focuses on publishing written reflections during Advent, Lent and during special holy days throughout the year, all designed to bring women closer to Christ. Some of these reflections have been picked up by the central service team and published in their newsletters. This chapter strives to be a model chapter for the world.
Last Updated on March 13, 2025.