We welcome you to the webpage of the Handmaids of the Lord Chapter of Magnificat in Broward County, Florida. These are exciting times that we live in and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such as time as this. There are now over 100 chapters throughout the United States and its territories and in many foreign countries.
Magnificat Meal
Hosted by the Handmaids of the Lord Chapter
Saturday, May 31, 2025
10:00am to 1:30pm
Open seating, please arrive early.
Guest Speaker: Maria Luque-Rautio
Maria was born in Spain and raised in a non-practicing Catholic family. As a youth, she had a sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit moving in her life. However it was during her marriage to her husband, who was a member of the American Air Force that her faith grew. The Lord seemed to open a door which provided the tools to increase her faith. In 1996, she attended a Life in the Spirit Seminar, and this changed her whole life for the better. She gained the strength from the Lord, (Philippians 4:13) to persevere and remain faithful to her husband even though they were living in a tumultuous marriage. During this time, she focused fully on serving God and being the mother that their two children needed. She continued working in several jobs and serving in different ministries such as Children Liturgy, and CCD at her Parish of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. She also became involved in the Life in the Spirit ministry as well as the Magnificat ministry as a Hostess. In 2014 Maria became the new Magnificat Coordinator for Miami Chapter “Jesus is Lord”.
In 2016, after 27 years of marriage accompanied by many years of prayer, Maria eventually filed for divorce. Throughout these trials and tribulations, Maria worked hard and remain faithful to God and the different ministries in the church.
In 2020 she married her soulmate. Song of Solomon 3:4. They share the same spirituality and
commitment to ministry and family life. Currently, she serves as a sacristan at their parish, St. Louis
Catholic Church, Pinecrest, Florida and as Regional Leadership for Region 5 for Magnificat Ministry.
Maria and her husband Jim serve in the Life in the Spirit ministry as part of the service team. Their
lives are dedicated to sharing the Gospel and encouraging others to experience the love of God and
to claim the promise of living a life in abundance. John 10:10
Tickets & Reservations
Limited Seating so request your reservation early!
Breakfast will be included!
To secure your reservation please register by May 26, 2025
Seats per person $30.00. Please register by mail per the instructions below or Zelle payment to magnificatbrowardcounty@gmail.com or select the QR code below with your phone’s camera or click the link below to register online. Contact Sharon Pfeifer at 407-756-7999 with any questions. If you pay online and register multiple individuals, please text names to 407-756-7999 or email names to magnificatbrowardcounty@gmail.com
Click the link below to Register.
View this QR code below with your phone’s camera to register on line.
Please make check payable to “Magnificat of Broward County, FL” and mail to:
Sharon Pfeifer
5833 NW 122 Terrace
Coral Springs, FL 33076
No Reservations will be accepted at the door.
Please provide name and email addresses of each attendee with your check.
Your check will serve as your receipt.
Upon arrival please check in at the Registration table and receive your name tag.
For Reservation/Registration Questions, please contact Sharon Pfeifer 407.756.7999.
Open seating, please arrive early.
Upcoming Meals & Events for our Chapter — 2025
- August 23, 2025 – Fr. Trevor Nathasingh
- November 15, 2025 – Adeline Jean
Rosary Blanket of Prayer
Please join us in our Rosary Blanket of Prayer on the 10th of every month, as we lift up our hearts to the Lord for the intentions of New Pentecost, Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, our Beloved Priests and Religious and Families.
Service Team Members
- Kathy Corona, Coordinator, 954-635-7458
- Linda Anderson, Asst. Coordinator, 954-261-9800
- Sharon Pfeifer, Secretary, 407-756-7999
- Juliana Findley, Treasurer, 754-234-1847
- Christine Catuccy, Historian, 305-776-6913
- Spiritual Advisor: Father Paul VI Karenga
If you would like to help with a Ministry of Magnificat, or if you have a question or comment for Our Service Team, or if you would like to be on our Mailing list for future events, please contact Sharon Pfeifer at: Magnificatbrowardcounty@gmail.com
Our chapter’s name is “The Handmaids of the Lord”, because we are here to serve God’s people.
Luke 1:37 “For Nothing is Impossible with God”.
We are honored to be the 100th Chapter of The Magnificat Ministry for Catholic women.
Last Updated on March 1, 2025.