We welcome you to the webpage of Mary, Queen of Peace Chapter of Magnificat in Indio, California. These are exciting times that we live in and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such a time as this. There are now over 100 Chapters throughout the United States and its territories and in many foreign countries. We also have a website for our Chapter at magnificat-indioca.org
Magnificat Prayer Breakfast
Hosted by the Mary, Queen of Peace (Maria Reina de la Paz) Chapter of Magnificat
Sabado, Junio 14, 2025
9:00 am – 12:30pm
Las puertas se abren a las 9:00am.
No reservamos asientos asi que por favor llegue temprano.
Heritage Palms Golf Club
44-291 S. Heritage Palms
Indio, CA 92201
Guest Speaker: Padre Luis A. Segura
El Padre Luis Alfonso Segura nació el 30 de Julio de 1971, en Bocas de Satinga, Nariño, Colombia, hijo de Manuel Santos Segura y Graciana Ibarbo (Fallecidos). Tiene cinco hermanos, tres hombres y dos mujeres.
Ingresó al programa de formación de los Misioneros del Sagrado Corazón en Colombia, en enero de 1990. Emitió sus primeros votos como religioso el 8 de septiembre de 1994 en Bogotá. Fue ordenado sacerdote el 13 de noviembre de 1999 en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón en Jamundí, Valle, Colombia, por Monseñor Isaías Duarte Cancino, (Fallecido) arzobispo de Cali.
Realizó sus estudios de filosofía en la Universidad Santo Tomás, donde se licenció en Filosofía y Letras, de teología en la Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá.
En septiembre de 2002 fue destinado a la comunidad de Illinois con residencia en Chicago, como Director de Formación de los estudiantes de Teología colombianos que residían allí. En diciembre del 2004 fue asignado como Director de Formación del Programa de Postulantado en Bogotá. Labor que realizó durante 12 años.
Por 9 años fue el Superior de la sección Colombia en su congregación. En Julio de 2023 fue asignado párroco de Nuestra Señora de la Soledad y Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en Palm Springs (CA) donde reside hasta el momento.
El padre Luis define su vocación religiosa como una respuesta al amor incondicional de Jesús que lo llamó a su servicio sin méritos propios. Le gusta ser misionero e ir a diferentes lugares a compartir el amor de Dios y a aprender de las personas y las culturas.
Ven a escuchar este testimonio de conversión y entrega al servicio de Dios y a contagiar tu corazón con el amor de Dios. †
We do not assign seats so arrive early to check in at the Reservation Table and find seat(s) before the program begins.
Prayer teams are available following the meal.
Religious articles and books will be available at the meal.
Since the day is designed to speak to the hearts of women, free of distractions, it is respectfully requested that young children not be in attendance.
Tickets & Reservations
Tickets are $35 and must be purchased in advance to secure your reservation. No tickets will be sold at the door. Your check will serve as your receipt.
Please use this form for Mail-In Reservations ONLY. Complete the form below (include the names and phone numbers of other ticket holders in your group).
$35.00 per person by mail; Registration Form must be postmarked by 2025 to receive your confirmation. (check only)
Please Mail Reservation Form and check for $35 per person, payable to “Magnificat” to:
PO Box 3005
Indio, CA 92202
Upcoming Meals for Our Chapter — 2025
Padre Luis Segura – 06/14/25
Padre Juan Carlos Lopez – 10/04/25
Rosary Blanket of Prayer
Remember our chapter’s commitment to Eucharistic Adoration and to pray the Rosary on the 2nd of each month for the intentions of Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, Marriage and Family, and World Peace.
Our Prayer Groups
Is God calling you to be in a Prayer Group? Jesus said “Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst.” Our prayer groups are open to all.
Internet Prayer Ministry
the newly initiated Magnificat Internet Prayer Ministry.
Contact Sandy Elliott at workthebeads@gmail.com.
Service Team Members
Coordinator – Gloria Gómez
Assistant Coordinator – Carmen Perez
Secretary – Lupita Hilario, Graciela Sanchez
Treasurer – Claudia Castorena
Historian – Rosita Pelayo
Assistant Historian – Ana Bosler
SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR Father Gerardo Mendoza
For more information about Magnificat, contact Gloria Gomez (760) 396-9100
To be added to our Mailing List, send an email to ccastorena1@verizon.net or call Claudia Castorena at (760) 396-9100
CLICK HERE to visit our Chapter’s website.
History of Mary Queen of Peace Chapter of Magnificat, Indio California
(Diocese of San Bernardino, CA)
In March 2010, Mrs. Donna Ross asked Gloria and Claudia to start a chapter of the Magnificat in Spanish because there was a great need to do so.
It all began as God makes the call through Donna Ross to Gloria to ask him to form Magnificat in Spanish.
Gloria and Claudia prayed and began to make the call in December 2010. Claudia invited her mom and sisters, Gloria also invited Angelica, in turn she to Ana Razo, and she to Elena Rosas and Remedios Vargas, Emilia and Juanita. The first meeting was in February at the house of Gloria and Claudia. In this first meeting they were Lupita, the mother of Claudia, Graciela, Donaciana, Normita and those mentioned before. At this same meeting s and Spiritual Directors elected the Fathers Gerardo Mendoza and Michael Barry, but our first Mass was with Father Luis Guido. We also searched for the name of the chapter and we all voted for “Mary Queen of Peace.”
May 13 of year 2011, the papers were made request to form the group, day of Our Lady of Fatima. On May 31, 2011, “Visitation Day,” was our confirmation of team selection,
In June of 2011, we had a meeting with the group Magnificat Our Lady’s Desert Roses and it was very edifying to see their organization and love between them. The people of the first group that was formed, we had the opportunity to go to breakfast in English and Claudia translated for us.
And in 2011 the chapter Mary Queen of Peace began with the approval of Bishop Gerald Barnes of the Diocese of San Bernardino and the direction of Father Gerardo Mendoza and Br. Mike Barry. The first breakfast was made on October 15, 2011 with the presentation of the speaker Sister Blanca Ruiz of Colombia.
Last Updated on March 20, 2025.