AZ, Phoenix

We welcome you to the webpage of Mary, Cause of Our Joy Chapter of Magnificat in Phoenix, Arizona. These are exciting times that we live in and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such a time as this. There are now over 100 chapters throughout the United States and its territories and in many foreign countries.

Magnificat Meal

Hosted by the Mary, Cause of Our Joy Chapter of Magnificat

June 7, 2025

11:15 am – 2:30 pm

Doors open at 11:00 am for open seating

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
11300 N. 64th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Our Guest Speaker: Sr. Jessica Ramirez

Sister Jessica Ramirez is a volunteer case manager for St. Vincent de Paul Social Services.  She belongs to the Daughters of Charity order.

Sr. Jessica has been in the Diocese of Phoenix for a little more than a year.

Sr. Jessica attended the University of Nevada-Reno and graduated with a degree in Communications


Tickets & Reservations

Deadline for registration is Monday, June 4, 2025.  All checks have to be received by June 2, 2025

Online Tickets
Tickets to the Meal are $18.00 (+$3.05 secure site service fee)
Registration  click on link (have not been updated):

Registrations receipts will be emailed to the payee. 

By Mail:
Please Mail check for $18 per person, payable to “Phoenix Magnificat” to:
Magnificat Tickets
c/o Esther Ramirez
10604 N 53rd Ave
Glendale, AZ 85304
623-565-0304 (checks only, please include your e-mail in your correspondence.)

No tickets are sold at the door.

Tickets are $18 and must be purchased in advance to secure your reservation. Your check will serve as your receipt and for all registrations, we will have an electronic record of your purchase and your name tag at the door.

Tickets for priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters are complimentary, but reservations are required.

Questions- Please contact Asst. Coordinator, Cathy Cato at 480-364-5209.

If you are unable to afford a ticket but want to attend the meal, please email Maureen Kight will be made for your ticket.  E-mail is:

Upcoming Meals & Events for Our Chapter — 2024-2025 

June 7, 2025, Speaker, Sr. Jessica Ramirez, Case Manager for St. Vincent de Paul Social Services
Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church, 11300 N. 64th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Sept. 13, 2025, Speaker, Bishop John P. Dolan, Bishop of the Diocese of Phoenix
St. Helen’s Catholic Parish, celebrating 10 years as a Magnificat Chapter, 5510 W. Cholla Ave.,                            Glendale, AZ 85304

Dec. 13, 2025. Speaker, Alison Oertle, Dir. of RCIA at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Tempe, AZ and blogger. Location, tentatively, St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church, 9728 W Palmeras Dr., Sun City, AZ 85373


Rosary Blanket of Prayer

Remember our chapter’s commitment to Eucharistic Adoration and to pray the Rosary on the 14th of each month for the intentions of Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, Marriage and Family, and World Peace.

Our Prayer Groups

Is God calling you to be in a Prayer Group? Jesus said “Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst.” Our prayer groups are open to all.

Our diocesan prayer groups are open to all.  At this time, the website is unavailable.

Service Team Members

Maureen Kight, Coordinator
Cathy Cato, Assistant Coordinator
Mei-An Gregorio, Secretary
Esther Ramirez, Treasurer
Kathy Danley, Historian
Fr. John Ssegawa, Spiritual Advisor

If you would like to help with a Ministry of Magnificat, or if you have a question or comment for our Service Team, or if you would like to be on our Mailing list for future events, please contact Maureen Kight at

To visit our Chapter’s website, click here:   Mary Cause of our Joy

To visit our Facebook page, please click here: Phoenix Chapter Facebook Page

To visit our personal website, go to:

History of Mary, Cause of Our Joy Chapter

[Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona] Est. 2010

The spark for the Phoenix Chapter of Magnificat came on the evening of September 19th, 2010. It all began when founding Coordinator, Laurie Walsh met Carolyn Wright who gave her a brochure at a Charismatic Conference in Phoenix.  Laurie had just retired and was at the conference specifically asking God, “Do you want me to start a ministry?” Within moments, Carolyn who was a total stranger up to that moment, was prompted by the Holy Spirit to hand Laurie the Magnificat Ministry brochure.

From that day on, Laurie, Holly Burke and Cathy Cato began holding discernment meetings in the Diocesan Offices in Phoenix. They completed all of the requirements to become a Chapter and during this time, many women came in and out of the meetings.  Just before the first meal, Mary called the two women, Maureen Kight and Sharon Wnuk, who would come aboard to complete the service team of five women.

The inaugural meal was held five years to the day after the meeting took place between Laurie Walsh and Carolyn Wright; Sept. 19, 2015.  Carolyn flew out from her chapter in Birmingham, AL to surprise the team and be in attendance. The first speaker was the regional representative, Barbara Serba, and spirits soared throughout the entire weekend.

Barbara purchased a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima as a gift to the new chapter and under her patronage, wonderful things came to pass. With a turnout at the first meal of over 200 women, and over 300 at the most recent in May of 2017. The Advisory Team began to form.  Soon there were regular attendees who were signing up to work within the various committees.

While the early days were very challenging, the women were shown at every turn, that this work is the work of Our Blessed Mother. There were many miracles, signs and wonders along the journey.  The bond established within the team under the mantle of Our Lady Cause of Our Joy is a treasure that has grown stronger and sweeter over time.  A gradual but truly wonderful transformation takes place once one sets her hand to the plow in Mary’s lovely garden.


Last Updated on March 11, 2025.