We welcome you to the web page of the Jesus, Bread of Life Chapter of Magnificat in Conway/Central Arkansas. These are exciting times that we live in and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such a time as this. There are now over 100 chapters throughout the United States and its territories and in many foreign countries.
Magnificat Meal
Hosted by Jesus Bread of Life Chapter
Date: March 1st, 2025
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Doors open at 9:30 a.m.
St Joseph Catholic Church
Spiritan Center
1115 College Ave.
Conway AR 72034
Guest Speaker: Fr. Emanuel Tanu
Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.”- Matthew 1:23
I am Fr. Emanuel Tanu, SVD. I am originally from Indonesia, from the island of Timor. I was ordained a priest on August 24th, 2004, and came to the United States in 2005. After a year of taking English courses, I was assigned as an associate pastor at Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Opelousas in the Diocese of Lafayette Louisiana from 2006 to 2009. Then, I was assigned as an associate pastor of St. Margaret Catholic Church in the Diocese of Lake Charles, Louisiana from 2009 to 2011. From 2011-2018 I was assigned pastor of St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Bell City, Louisiana. And from 2017-2023 I was the pastor of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana. Since July 1, 2023, I have been assigned to serve as pastor of St. Bartholomew Church, Little Rock and St. Augustine Church, North Little Rock in the Diocese of Little Rock. Besides these pastoral assignments, I am a spiritual director of Pilgrimages to the Holy Land and Holy Sites.
**Personal Prayer ministry is available after the meal by the Magnificat Service Team.
***Religious books and merchandise are available at the meal.
Since the day is designed to speak to the hearts of women, free of distractions, it is respectfully requested that young children under the age of 12 not be in attendance.
Tickets must be purchased in advance. No tickets will be sold at the door.
Online: https://giving.parishsoft.com/App/Form/79594aa3-a833-40ef-9af6-bd966929e6c1
E-Mail: magnificatcentralarkansas@gmail.com
Mail: Tickets by mail are $20.00 per person. Under 21 are $15.00.
You may mail-in reservations. Include the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of other ticket holders in your group). Reservations CANNOT be accepted after February 21.
Send check payable to Magnificat-Central Arkansas, postmarked by February 20th to:
Donna Dayer
3270 Nutter Chapel Rd
Conway AR 72034
Tickets for priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters are complimentary.
Please call Donna at 501-733-1789 or email MagnificatCentralArkansas@gmail.com
If you are unable to afford a ticket but want to attend the meal, please call Donna and arrangements can be made.
Rosary Blanket of Prayer
Remember our chapter’s commitment to Eucharistic Adoration and to pray the Rosary on the 7th of each month for the intentions of Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, Marriage and Family, and World Peace.
Our Prayer Groups
Is God calling you to be in a Prayer Group? Jesus said “Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst.” Our prayer groups are open to all.
Service Team Members
Susan Denys, Coordinator
Jalisa Allison, Secretary
Retha Fausett, Historian
Donna Dayer, Treasurer
Anna Woods, Asst. Coordinator
Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Taryn Whittington
If you would like to help with a Ministry of Magnificat, or if you have a question or comment for our Service Team, or if you would like to be on our Mailing list for future events, please contact us at magnificatcentralarkansas@gmail.com
History of Jesus Bread of Life Chapter of Magnificat
(For the Diocese of Little Rock in Arkansas)
In 2011, while attending daily Mass the Lord spoke to my heart that it was time to bring a Magnificat Chapter to Central Arkansas.This inspiration came from a seed that was planted after attending our Mother Chapter, Mary Ark of the Covenant’s first meal many years earlier. As I prayed, the Lord gave me the names of the women whom he was calling to help start a new chapter. After calling the Central office and inquiring about the process, our group of women met and prayed and worked as we were guided by the Holy Spirit and the Central Service team. Through prayer, prayer and more prayer and discernment our chapter was named “Jesus Bread of Life”. We were dedicated, hardworking and a bit frightened at times as to how all of our prayers would play out but after about a year and a half, we held our first meal and had around 250 wonderful women attend. The original five service team members were: Founder Debbie Eckert Coordinator, Diane Bausom Co-Coordinator, Doris Williams Treasurer, Lib Harrison Historian, and Sarah Thornton, Secretary
Serving on the service team has stretched us and caused growth in many new and wonderful ways. The bonds the we share as sisters are beautiful, strong and uplifting. The joy we experience as we meet new women and help them experience the love of God is beyond human words but awesome, exciting, wonderful, and grateful would be a good start to state how we feel. The love and sisterhood doesn’t stop there! We have made friends from all over the world through this wonderful ministry we call Magnificat. We encourage you to be a part of all that Magnificat has to offer.
Last Updated on January 22, 2025.