CA, Walnut Creek

We welcome you to the webpage of the Servants of the Immaculata Chapter of Magnificat in Walnut Creek, California. These are exciting times that we live in and Magnificat was begun in 1981 for such as time as this. There are now over 100 chapters throughout the United States and its territories and in many foreign countries.

Magnificat Breakfast

Hosted by the Servants of the Immaculata Chapter

Saturday, June 22, 2024

9:30 – 12:30

New Location:
St. Michael’s Catholic Church
458 Maple Street
Livermore, CA

Our Guest Speaker:  Sandy Heinisch

Sandy Heinisch has been a nurse for almost 50 years.  She is a mother, a grandmother and a great-grandmother.

In 2005 her son died.  In 2022 her husband of nearly 60 years died of cancer.  She became a grief counselor after the death of her son in 2006 and is presently the grief minister, training for the Diocese of Oakland.

Sandy has taught throughout California and Arizona.  She presently facilitates four grief support groups and conducts one-on-one counseling.

Prayer teams are available following the meal.
Religious books and CD’s may be available at the meal.
Since the day is designed to speak to the hearts of women, free of distractions, it is respectfully requested that young children not be in attendance.

Tickets & Reservations

Register Now – $33


Click on, print and complete the form below (include the names and phone numbers of other ticket holders in your group). Seats are limited, but space is still available.  Please submit reservations before June 15th.  The best way to register is through the online registration, below.  You do not need a Paypal account to use this.


Please Mail Reservation Form (saves color ink) and check for $33 per person, payable to “Magnificat SOTI” to:

Magnificat SOTI
PO Box 4626
Walnut Creek, CA  94596


Use the drop down arrow to select the number of seats you want to reserve. Please note that there is a small processing fee added for each ticket. Please enter your guests name(s) in the corresponding box. Your name will automatically populate for us.
If you’d like to help us, the Comments Field would be a great place to let us know where you’re interested in serving: Registration, Greeter or Hostess. Click the Pay Now button to process your transaction. We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming meal!

(Please note, Paypal may look like it wants you to create an account, but you have the option to process the transaction as a guest.  Below the credit card fields, there is a statement that says:  Save info & create your PayPal account.  Just toggle the blue switch to the right of these words if you do not want to create a Paypal account.  If you need assistance, you can call Michelle or Jennifer.)




Our Upcoming Events 2024

May 29, 2024, 7:00pm – Zoom Rosary Blanket of Prayer
June 22, 2024, Magnificat SOTI Chapter Meal
June 29, 2024, 7:00pm – Zoom Rosary Blanket of Prayer
July 29, 2024, 7:00pm – Zoom Rosary Blanket of Prayer
August 29, 2024, 7:00pm – Zoom Rosary Blanket of Prayer
September 28, 2024, Magnificat SOTI Chapter Meal
November 23, 2024, Magnificat SOTI Chapter Meal

Rosary Blanket of Prayer

Remember our chapter’s commitment to pray the Rosary on the 29th of each month, joining our sisters in Magnificat for the intentions of a New Pentecost, the Church, Magnificat, Sanctity of Life, Marriage and Family, and World Peace.

Our Prayer Groups

Is God calling you to be in a Prayer Group? Jesus said “Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst.” Our prayer groups are open to all.

Personal Prayer Ministry
Which prays with individuals following The Magnificat Breakfast.

Charismatic Prayer Group
Meets every Thursday from 7:30PM-9:00PM
St John Vianney Church, in the Vestibule
Contact Jim Crowley at

Service Team Members

Michelle Heckle, Coordinator (925) 818-3111
TBA, Assistant Coordinator
Jennifer Rogers, Secretary (503) 709-8449
Josephine Otto, Treasurer (925) 330-8586
Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Erick Villa

History of Servants of the Immaculata Chapter of Magnificat, Walnut Creek, CA

(Diocese of Oakland, California)

Mary Johnstone is the Founding Coordinator of Servants of the Immaculate of Magnificat, Walnut Creek Chapter.

Mary shares how the Chapter began, “In the early nineties, my husband and I and our 3 kids moved to Atlanta, and it was then that I went to my first Magnificat Prayer Breakfast. I attended many more after that and I felt so uplifted every time I went to them, and this was definitely a part of my conversion. Every time I would go the Breakfast, a little voice inside me would say that someday you are going to be speaking at these Breakfasts. I would just laugh and say to myself, yeah right, you can hardly speak in front of two people. In 1997 we moved to Northern California, and I was so disappointed that there were no Chapters in the area. However, I was busy raising my three children and knew I couldn’t start it at this time.”

Then on March 26, 2008, I turned on the TV during the day, which I never do, and put on EWTN, and lo and behold, it was Marilyn Quirk and Kathy MacInnis speaking to Fr. Mitch Pacwa about the Magnificat Ministry. It was then that the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said, “Now is the time.” I immediately called and asked about how to go about starting a chapter. Who would have thought that so many years later and 3,000 miles away from Atlanta, that I would be starting this.

A group of us prayed for a year, we named the group, ‘the Servants of the Immaculata,’ and then started gathering our team together to form this chapter. In April 2010 a small group of us met with Bishop Cordileone along with Kathleen Beckman. At the end of the meeting, Bishop Cordileone asked how quickly we could start having our Breakfasts. We told him as soon as he could be our speaker, which turned out to be in December.

Shortly after our meeting for Bishop Cordileone’s approval of our ministry, he asked me if I would come back and meet with the Presbyteral Council and present the possibility of having the Magnificat Ministry in the Diocese of Oakland. In attendance were 25 priests, the Bishop and me. After I did my presentation and left, I was told that the Presbyteral Council unanimously approved it as a Ministry for the Diocese, praise the Lord!!!

We dedicated our Chapter to St. Maximillian Kolbe who founded the Militia of the Immaculata in 1917 for Consecration to Mary. However, our pastor did not like the name “Militia” for our prayer group and thought ‘Servants’ would be better. We became “The Servants of the Immaculata” and that also became the official name of our Chapter in Walnut Creek.

December 11, 2010, was our first Magnificat Prayer Breakfast with Bishop Salvatore Cordileone as our first speaker with 560 women in attendance. As the Coordinator, I was the MC at all of the Breakfasts and then I remembered how the little voice said that I would be speaking at these Breakfasts someday, which I did as the MC at all of the Breakfasts. Our original service team was comprised of: Mary Johnstone, Coordinator, Felice Mateo, Assistant Coordinator, Martha Joannes, Treasurer, Veronica Brown, Secretary, Arci Petersen, Historian.

Mary has felt her involvement with the Chapter to be such a blessing! The Chapter has been going strong for the past 12 years. We are thankful that the Walnut Creek Chapter has touched so many hearts and souls.


Last Updated on June 7, 2024.
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